Monday, November 28, 2016

Finding the Flavor

When someone asked me what I thought of the last book I read, I said right away, "It had flavor."

Maybe she thought I ate it.

I explained it had to do with the story and the writing evoking a feeling. The characters were true to, not just themselves, but the setting and the time. The atmosphere was right.

Yes, I could've said the story was realistic, well researched, the author used the proper syntax, and made use of all the senses...

But I like the single word flavor.

And just like some books can leave a bad taste in your mouth, this one tasted just fine.

It had flavor.


Found on the web:


Mumtaz Batool Idrish said...

I can relate to the word 'flavour'. It describes a book I came across recently 'Mistress' by Anita Nair.

Cat Dubie said...

Thanks for commenting. I'll look for that book that you mentioned. I'm always looking for new romances and is nice to have a recommendation.

Cat Dubie said...

Thanks for commenting. I will look for the book that you mentioned – I'm always looking for new romances to read.


Teagan W said...

Hi ggreat reading your post