Monday, November 23, 2015

Peopling a story

Peopling, creating characters. Adding people to a new story.

I took some time off from editing Fortune to jot down a few ideas for a new book.

Here's how it worked this time:

I had a concept -- a western romance

I saw the opening scene -- a posse or troopers chasing bad guys ...when the dust settled, I zoomed in on a ranch – two-story house, barn/stable, pastoral setting ....

The title came to me -- perfect, I think... SD for short

I saw both main characters, heard their names. A bit about their back stories. An evolving plot.

Now, two characters, though mandatory for a romance, do not the story make -- it would be over too soon if that were the case. I need a supporting cast:

For her: a grandpa (or is he?), a husband and brother, killed in the war (or were they?) For him: a buddy, an enemy, and a past love. 

A reason for throwing them together ... a good one, I think.

And some obstacles, giant ones, to keep things interesting. I have some, need more.

It's a process, different for everyone. My story ideas come fast and I need to get the skeleton built right away. The flesh will come later.

SD will take its place in the queue.


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